Stephenie Meyer. Eclipse (№ 23226)

Jacob pointed to the eagle, from the incredible heights of pikiruyuschego to the surface of the ocean. He stopped at the last minute, just for a moment, claws tapping the surface of the water. Then he flew away, and in its talons, fluttered a whopping big fish.
You see it everywhere, ' said Jacob alienated voice. - Nature has its own immutable laws - there is a hunter, and there is prey, the endless cycle of life and death. And you still never saw the fish trying to kiss the eagle. And will never see it. - he grinned.
I pretended to smile at him, although the mouth was still bitter.
Maybe the fish was trying, I suggested. - It's hard to fathom the mind of a fish. Eagles, you know, very attractive birds.
№ 23226   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 04:25

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