The right to vote (№ 245648)

Know what is hard power? This is when a man with a club, a thug with a cudgel took your wallet. What is smart power? It until you palaver - you have pulled out a wallet, stole it. What is soft power? You finally swing, you yourself took out his purse and gave him. Here is the story that we need some kind of soft power, and we should read some ratings on what we place there? I'll tell you, I'm sorry, my personal opinion, do not insist, do not impose it, is nonsense! Full! Anything we do not need. Because if the Americans constantly want to have something to gain from morning to evening, they worried and worried - how can this be - they are not major, not major gendarmes in the world... We want this, or what? No! We must turn to the true, genuine, old values - love, respect, justice! Here's what we got! To the truth!
Quote Explanation: Program topic: "the Soft power of Russia".
Release Date: 23.06.2016
№ 245648   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 19:48

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