Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars (№ 262784)

- "Brother, I need your help! I requested reinforcements to Australia, but Kane refused. I saw reports of the destruction of the Main Temple. We both understand that this is the end. But the base, the troops... it's important that we have. If we act quickly, we can..."
- Well, are you convinced? I warned you - Killian cannot be trusted. I can't believe she dared to stand up to Kane! He probably has reasons not to give her backup. Okay, I'm finally in Sarajevo, but we have a lot of work: you need to get you produced bomb components to the Main Temple and to give Kane time to build this thing... Oh, and may I make one request? When this is all over, tell Kane, whose was the plan, okay? Maybe then he will allow to accompany you on the next task. It would be great...
№ 262784   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 21:39

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