Joseph Stalin. (№ 272668)

It is difficult to accept that the lack of resistance from the Germans on the Western front is due solely to the fact that they were broken. The Germans have on the Eastern front 147 divisions. They could without compromising their craft to withdraw from the Eastern front 15-20 divisions and to transfer them to the aid of their troops on the Western front. However, the Germans did not and do not. They continue furiously to fight with the Russian for some obscure station in Czechoslovakia Selenica, which they so much need, as dead poultices, but without any resistance pass important cities in Central Germany as osnabrück, Mannheim, Kassel. Agree, what is the behavior of the Germans is more than strange and incomprehensible.
Quote Explanation: From a letter to I. V. Stalin to President Mr. Roosevelt on 7 April 1945.
№ 272668   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 12:43

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