Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa. My memories (№ 307823)

We started the conversation. It lasted a little over an hour and provided very interesting and instructive conversation between two experienced experts in their field. Both Leontiev and Foreigners, were absolutely accurate in your conversation. The main point was that there are two economies: the planning and policy - making, and market. Vasily offered a beautiful image: the market economy is a sailing ship at sea. If you rely solely on the wind, the ship entered a completely wrong place. The art of captain in the fact that using natural force of wind to steer the ship in the right direction. This was his main thesis - driven market economy.
Quote Explanation: Inozemtsev, Nikolai (1921-1982), Russian economist and historian, academician of the USSR (1968). Major works on issues of foreign policy, international relations, world economy. Leontief (Leontief) Leontief (1906-1999), American economist, born in Russia. Since 1931 lived in the United States. The Nobel prize (1973).
№ 307823   Added MegaMozg 14-11-2017 / 17:05

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