Red Cynic (№ 309761)

Yes, the laws are unjust and imperfect. Yes, they violate and abuse them. Yes, there is corruption. Yes, there is injustice. Yes, I also often not satisfied with the work of law enforcement. But what happens if you get rid of them completely? Paradise on earth will come? Universal happiness and love?
Well, if you think so, then you're a stupid degenerate!
Due to the incompetent work of those whom you hate, you see only a pitiful percentage of all the injustice, pain and evil that exist in our land. If neither the laws nor those who defend it will not, then it will suffocate in the chaos, violence and lawlessness. And it should be understood by anyone with more than one smart in the head.
Quote Explanation: Review on the movie "law Abiding citizen"
Release Date: 01.12.2017
№ 309761   Added MegaMozg 02-12-2017 / 20:05

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