Irvine Welsh. On the needle (№ 34579)

The company uses false and twisted logic, to subjugate and to re-educate people whose behavior does not meet his standards. Assume that I know all the "pros" and "cons", you know what to expect from low life expectancy are thus of sound mind and reason, etc., etc., and yet knowingly continue to use heroin? They told me simply did not allow; after all that I rejected the life offered them, they take it as a hint that they themselves made the wrong choice. Choose us. Choose life. Choose mortgage payments and a washing machine, choose a new car, choose a seat on the sofa, staring at the screen, which show you mind-numbing for the mind and harmful to souls game show, pick mindlessly put in your mouth pseudoprime. Choose death in his own bed in deep shit and urine under the supervision of hating you selfish, stupid bastards that you've given to the world. Choose life.
№ 34579   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 13:50

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