Petr G. Shchedrovitsky. (№ 375887)

Market, from our point of view, by itself, is not and cannot be the machine, overcoming the disparities of economic development and rebuilding human behavior and activities. Expressions such as “the market”, “market provided” are unacceptable vulgarization.
This does not mean that we associate the phenomenon solely with market development processes. As with any complex phenomenon, the modern market represents a heterogeneous collection of processes, structures and organizovannosti arising in different situations and, as such, have a different nature. However, we emphasize that for any change of business relationship requires a serious transformation of ways of thinking and reflection, development of new types of knowledge and the forming space in which a possible implementation of market self-organization.
Quote Explanation: The concept of the market in a system mycreditinform approach
№ 375887   Added MegaMozg 02-08-2019 / 23:29

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