David Sosnowski. Facing (№ 48095)

Parents used to complain that violent video games are corrupting their children. I, as a person who is regularly committing acts of violence in reality, was always surprised by these protests. In the end, the people of Columbine, betraying anathema computer games, would be shocked if you brought to their attention that no one has ever had a broken arm, playing "Doom" - unlike, say, football. And you must be very surprised that to follow the events of the last war for oil on CNN - exercise more destructive than beating cartoon monsters.
Quote Explanation: In April 1999, two students at the Columbine school, 18-year-old Eric Harris and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold shot 12 kids and teachers and then killed himself.
№ 48095   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 22:43

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