Losers (The Losers) (№ 49771)

- Base says Cavalier 415, we are faced with civilian traffic. Corby died, major very bad, and need your help! He's got kids, base, he's got kids!.. Oh shit!
Roger, Cavalier 415.
- Come on, Jensen, you could do better.
- Children? He have children? Yes, I was better! I better get, yeah, rogue?
Shut up.
- Okay! Who? Robert De Niro?
- Jensen, shut up!
- Close it yourself, rogue! I have a broken spine - I can talk and the dead can not!
- Shut up or you will have a real turning point!
- You need to get used to the role, I'm not kidding you! Shut up!
№ 49771   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 23:48

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