Author unknown (№ 61820)

When you want to cry,
Call me...
I don't promise to make you laugh,
But I can cry with you.
If one day you want to escape.
Call me...
I do not promise to persuade you to stay...,
But I can run away with you.
If one day you don't want anyone to hear
Call me...
I promise to come for you.
And I promise to be quiet.
But if one day you call...
And I will not respond
Please help me!
Probably, at this moment I'm very very need!
Don't go ahead of me - I may not follow you.
Do not walk behind me I may not lead you,
But stay close to me.
And be my friend...
№ 61820   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 16:07

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