Alexander Andreev. Will not be quiet (№ 86715)

People as at all stations of the world, was in a hurry... Stations... how on earth had such places where he committed so many silent dramas of the human, how many of them every day, every hour is at the station?! The stations are silent witnesses of the fervent assurances to come back, which then - gradually, imperceptibly - overgrown with grass; the vows, the moment sincere, but over time forgotten, muffled by distance; the lost faith that was unshakable; the witnesses of love, burning like a torch, and this torch, moving away, dimmed, and then extinguished completely; witnesses partings forever, when the heart is torn by anguish and pain, but after so long - it might take days, maybe years, the pain dulled, and only the heart leaves scars, as after a long illness.
№ 86715   Added MegaMozg 05-01-2017 / 15:55

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