Book: Hodgepodge

And what should be easy, he mused. Is the last stage of his life, and he was left alone. Nobody, not even the Bible warns not to be so difficult, so scary to approach the end of mortal existence and try to find a sense in it. The Lord never said it would all be over quickly or that the dreams will turn to dust long before your body. His life should at least mean something!
№ 112565   Added MegaMozg 06-01-2017 / 22:23
Yes. We are not in a hurry it is fair to treat other species on Earth, but I dare to complain that a higher power takes away our life.
№ 101403   Added MegaMozg 06-01-2017 / 04:12
Children turn us into sinners, she thought. No matter if you are doing an abortion, give birth or even do not think about them. There, open any newspaper and you will see that led them ***that crazy world, which is not able to do anything.
№ 74897   Added MegaMozg 04-01-2017 / 09:32
Maybe you should take her hand? But if he does not run ahead of the locomotive? Hell, he's just as soon as her ***al! So why not take her hand? What is happening to this fucking world, what perverts we've become, if to take the hand of a girl attracted to you harder than to put her on the couch with cancer and carefully pull out?
№ 74749   Added MegaMozg 04-01-2017 / 09:26
Well, such passions do not last long, but all the old the city looked pathetic human bits - so what's the point of living long? Less is better.
№ 64544   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 18:30