Book: Food Of The Gods

And he that two long days was thinking only of son, suddenly felt superfluous. It suddenly stopped running. And, perhaps for the first time in his life he realized that the son means to the father is incomparably greater than the father for the son, the future is immeasurably more important than the past. Near these two it is nothing to do. He's already played a role.
№ 174064   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 17:14
Only one who spent twenty years in prison, is able to understand or at least feel what it is to be back among people and a single chest to shout along with everyone.
№ 174063   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 17:14
Slacker a lesson, Satan will provide.
№ 174062   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 17:14
Change is a law which never become obsolete.
№ 174061   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 17:14
Right, it is hard to say what's more amazing scientists and philosophers - their greatness or their littleness.
№ 174060   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 17:14
We need to develop a child's imagination, in the end it is the goal of any education. Yes, the imagination is the goal, but a sober mind and sensible behavior - based. Lack of imagination is a return to an animal state; tainted imagination - lust and cowardice; but a noble imagination is God returning to earth. The child should be and to dream, to visit the world of fairy tales, enjoy all sorts of fun and wonder - and childhood. But the main food for the imagination must become life itself in all its magnificent diversity. Let the child learns how people traveled, discovered new lands, and after many exploits and adventures conquered the world; we need stories about animals, cleverly written and well produced books about animals, birds and plants, reptiles and insects, on the dizzying heights and the mysteries of the deep sea; and the child should know the history and geography of all States that ever existed; you need to give him his maps and drawings, let them know the history of all tribes, studying their manners and customs. And give him books and pictures that develop the sense of beauty; the finest Japanese prints will make him fall in love with the subtle beauty of birds, branches, deciduous petals, and the painters of the West will learn to appreciate the beauty of men and women, the beauty of still life and expanse of the landscape. Need a book on architecture, let them learn to build houses and palaces, furnish and erect a city.
№ 174059   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 17:14
Interest - food for the child, and boredom is torture and hunger.
№ 174058   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 17:14
Bensington reveled in the feeling, that it is particle tight-knit brotherhood, - this joyful community know the soldiers of the victorious armies, travelers in tough campaigns, but it is not destined to experience the citizens living sober and measured life.
№ 174057   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 17:14
Well, if we all did that it goes without saying! thought Bensington. - How far would the world progress! Why, for example, I didn't do much, what should be and what I want to do? Do this all the time? Or am I the only one? He plunged into the misty reflections of the will and apathy. He thought about the complicated tangles of unnecessary details that comprise daily life, and the Affairs of the beautiful and worthy, so it would be to devote yourself to them, but it isn't some unfathomable force.
№ 174056   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 17:14
After all, it's ridiculous that in our absurd world we from a doctor or a soldier always expect honesty, courage and efficiency, but the solicitor or agent for the sale of real estate why can be a greedy crook, a scoundrel and a jerk, and it is in order.
№ 174055   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 17:14