Book: In the guise of a boar

The rest of the rock was a sham; it is the river and the flood washed away all the bridges. She at the moment you pluck it from the rubble piles and incur the downstream costs only leg for a moment to lose support. And how a fraction of it it takes - fingers on the hands and feet in cracks and narrow wrinkles, recertifies the face of the cliffs, precious Islands, clinging to which he hung in the air: at the rapids, which will readily absorb it and take you down to the point of rest.
№ 173758   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 17:01
They stare each other in the face in search of people who hide behind names.
№ 172565   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 16:08