people [Theme]

A person simply must love himself, otherwise he will achieve nothing in life. This especially applies to actors. Self-love helps you maintain confidence in your abilities and stay in shape. If you have a complex, you are not capable of action. I encourage everyone: love yourself!
№ 466230   Added MegaMozg 26-04-2024 / 15:39
... the most homely, unattractive-looking people are distinguished by the most perverted minds.
Quote Explanation: Quote from the story “The Law of the Beast.”
... the most homely, unattractive-looking people are...
№ 466227   Added MegaMozg 26-04-2024 / 15:30
Man is a combination of soul and body. The soul is the bearer of the divine principle in man; it exists before the birth of the body, the soul is immortal, it is the source of movement and activity, it contains everything that allows a person to rise. The human body is material, inactive and inert, the body contains all the worst things that pull a person down, the body is a prison for the soul. Man, by virtue of his physicality, is initially a sinful being.
№ 466218   Added MegaMozg 26-04-2024 / 10:03
Man is a moth whose lantern is mass incivility.
№ 466148   Added MegaMozg 25-04-2024 / 04:09
Man is a catcher of meaningless suffering and meaningless pleasures.
№ 466147   Added MegaMozg 25-04-2024 / 04:06
The ethical problem occupied a central place in most philosophical teachings of the Hellenistic era. The goal of philosophy was most often understood as achieving happiness, which is possible only with proper behavior. However, the question of how a person should behave can only be resolved by understanding what people are and what place they occupy in the universe (cosmos), therefore the analysis of ethical problems is inextricably linked with the teachings of nature.
№ 466143   Added MegaMozg 25-04-2024 / 03:54
I am a light drinker... Little, little... I know the norm.
I am a light drinker... Little, little... I know the norm.
№ 466122   Added MegaMozg 22-04-2024 / 15:18
- Am I against it: if you don’t call yourself a sinner, you won’t become an angel.
№ 466121   Added MegaMozg 22-04-2024 / 15:15
A man cannot be many things unless he has created many things.
№ 466107   Added MegaMozg 21-04-2024 / 15:42
- If the future you are talking about really awaits us, then perhaps all that awaits us ahead is despair. However, Zon no one has the right to take away their future from people, even for the sake of saving the world. The future is in the hands of those people who live here and now.
- If the future you are talking about really awaits us,...
№ 466102   Added MegaMozg 21-04-2024 / 15:27
- Is the future you talk about really the best? Even if Momentum is wiped off the face of the earth. Human evolution will still continue due to human desires and aspirations. So what will change in that future? So this is what saving the world means to you? If you really want to save the future, then you must guide people's hearts in the right direction. You must change the future in which there is momentum. If I cannot save the present, then the future cannot be saved. That's right, Zon?
- Is the future you talk about really the best? Even if...
№ 466101   Added MegaMozg 21-04-2024 / 15:24
People may be motivated by self-interest, but we also have a strong inclination to contribute to the greater good.
№ 466074   Added MegaMozg 20-04-2024 / 03:27
I am not advocating self-neglect or martyrdom. I also don't recommend living like a doormat. It's important to take care of yourself. In the event of an emergency ten kilometers above the ground, putting your oxygen mask on yourself first could be the difference between life and death. Protect yourself first, then help others. But in everyday life this metaphor usually does not work. Also, there doesn't have to be an either/or; it can be both/and. Being too self-focused can be an excuse to shut yourself out from the rest of the world. There's nothing wrong with doing nice things for yourself, but if taken to an extreme, it can become an excuse for self-absorption.
№ 466073   Added MegaMozg 20-04-2024 / 03:24
It is very difficult. If a person’s shortcoming is based on a long-term habit, most likely you will not be able to cope with it. I know this from myself. To be frank with all your acquaintances, to point out to others their mistakes, and always to remember to be of service to your master—this is what it means to show the compassion of a servant. But if you just brand a person, how can you expect him to become a better person?
Quote Explanation: Book One
№ 466054   Added MegaMozg 19-04-2024 / 15:27