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It now seems to everyone that he could do a lot of good in the place and position of another, but he just cannot do it in his own position. This is the cause of all evil. Now we all need to think about how to do good in our own place. Believe me, it was not for nothing that God commanded everyone to be in the place in which he now stands. You just need to take a good look around you.
№ 466209   Added MegaMozg 26-04-2024 / 09:36
It is very difficult. If a person’s shortcoming is based on a long-term habit, most likely you will not be able to cope with it. I know this from myself. To be frank with all your acquaintances, to point out to others their mistakes, and always to remember to be of service to your master—this is what it means to show the compassion of a servant. But if you just brand a person, how can you expect him to become a better person?
Quote Explanation: Book One
№ 466054   Added MegaMozg 19-04-2024 / 15:27
With only one, first of all, formed, correct look!
№ 465755   Added MegaMozg 10-04-2024 / 15:33
Goodness, love, conscience - these are the most precious things in a person. And the absence of this in music, literature, and painting cannot be saved by original sound combinations, exquisite rhymes, or bright colors.
Quote Explanation: from a letter to Boris Tishchenko, 1965.
№ 465713   Added MegaMozg 09-04-2024 / 16:09
Selling your skeleton to scientists.
№ 465292   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 00:00
I believe that the acting profession is akin to the priest’s profession - if you have the opportunity to console and bless a person, you should do it. This may sound banal, but it seems to me that an actor should bring goodness, both on stage and in life.
№ 464243   Added MegaMozg 16-03-2024 / 01:30
Which mortal would not say that I was lucky?
№ 463755   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:36
Before we come, the underworld and the human world can learn to trust each other and build a brilliant future together, but first they must experience pain.
Before we come, the underworld and the human world can...
№ 463737   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:34
Lewis Dinkum: - You put it in a bunch, Sheriff.
Quote Explanation: Sheriff Ray and Lewis (director of the historical museum and temporary deputy sheriff) blocked the street on a school bus and opened fire with a Vickers machine gun.
Lewis Dinkum: - You put it in a bunch, Sheriff.
№ 463407   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 11:21
The honest one can be betrayed. And still be honest. Good things can be said. And still be kind. All the good you did today may be forgotten tomorrow. And yet do good. Everything you build, others can destroy. And yet, build it. Because ultimately, it is not others who will answer to God, but you.
Quote Explanation: Supposedly a prayer from Mother Teresa.
№ 463278   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 16:14
Well, okay! And good.
Quote Explanation: 1969 year.
№ 462940   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:03
A person’s moral duty to increase happiness and goodness is formed and carried out by his love of life and optimism.
№ 462705   Added MegaMozg 08-02-2024 / 10:21