Author of quotes: Nikolay Gogol

It now seems to everyone that he could do a lot of good in the place and position of another, but he just cannot do it in his own position. This is the cause of all evil. Now we all need to think about how to do good in our own place. Believe me, it was not for nothing that God commanded everyone to be in the place in which he now stands. You just need to take a good look around you.
№ 466209   Added MegaMozg 26-04-2024 / 09:36
But in Rus' there is such a fair collection of disgusting faces that I couldn’t bear to look at them. Even now I want to spit when I remember them. Now there is a foreign land in front of me, a foreign land around me, but in my heart there is Rus', not nasty Rus', but only beautiful Rus'.
Quote Explanation: Nikolai Gogol, from a letter to Mikhail Pogodin, 1836.
№ 465487   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 09:45
Fame cannot give pleasure to those who stole it and did not deserve it; it produces constant awe only in those worthy of it.
№ 465468   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 08:48
Longing does not live in any place, city, village or other corner of the earth, but lives in our own heart.
№ 465261   Added MegaMozg 31-03-2024 / 22:27
I need reproaches, my soul is educated by reproaches, and reproaches now constitute my food on which I feed. No matter how unfair many of them are, there is always some kind of truth underlying them, and this makes me look at myself more strictly every time, and my inner eye becomes brighter after that, as if some kind of husk is falling off from it.
№ 465049   Added MegaMozg 22-03-2024 / 15:24
Remind me more often that not everything has died for me in Rus', which is already beginning to seem like a grave that has mercilessly stolen everything that is precious to the heart.
№ 464903   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 13:01
In the household, desire and jealousy do not mean as much as neatness and order: they alone can help make ends meet.
№ 463666   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:21
In all our endeavors and actions, we must most of all beware of one of our most powerful enemies. This enemy is despondency. Dejection is a true temptation of the spirit of darkness, with which it attacks us, knowing how difficult it is for a person to fight it.
№ 463218   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 14:24
Art has fallen. High virtues, greatness of spirit, everything that can lift and elevate a person are rare. Everything, either a caricature invented to be funny, or a fictitious monstrous passion close to intoxication, to which the author tries with all his might to give the right of citizenship, constitute the content of modern plays.
№ 463141   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 12:09
29 years
№ 463074   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:25
Our path should be before God, and not before people. If we are pure, if we are right before God, who among people can discredit us, brand our name with a stain?
№ 462953   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:05
A disease that plagues our entire generation: dissatisfaction and melancholy. Against them, it is necessary that a too firm and strong rebuff be contained in our own chest, the strength of striving for something chosen with all the soul and with all its depth, in a word - an internal goal, a strong object, for whatever it is, but still some whatever the passion.
№ 462952   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:05
Happy is the one who sees his mistakes and goes over in his thoughts all the things he has done precisely in order to find mistakes in them: he will achieve perfection and succeed in everything. Woe to the one who is self-confident and does not consider his previous actions in the conviction that they are all smart: he will never gain intelligence, and God will abandon him.
№ 462565   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2024 / 15:39
The state of a suffering soul is already a shrine, and everything that comes from there is precious, and poetry that emerges from such a womb is higher than all poetry.
Quote Explanation: 1844, February 3
№ 462564   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2024 / 15:36
It is necessary to respect the path and path of every person, if only they have already been chosen by him, and not distract him from the field he has already chosen.
№ 462055   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 14:56