the contents [Theme]

It is not words that prevent us from understanding each other, but their semantic content.
№ 466153   Added MegaMozg 25-04-2024 / 15:36
Art has fallen. High virtues, greatness of spirit, everything that can lift and elevate a person are rare. Everything, either a caricature invented to be funny, or a fictitious monstrous passion close to intoxication, to which the author tries with all his might to give the right of citizenship, constitute the content of modern plays.
№ 463141   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 12:09
Since man is an embodied mind, since physical destruction and death are inevitable for him, since he feels pain and pleasure, his actions are guided by personal likes and dislikes, he is torn between the thirst for self-affirmation and the desire to go beyond the boundaries of his “I” - he is everywhere and everywhere, in any era he faces eternal problems, resists eternal temptations and has permission (directly from the Order of Things) to either fall or achieve enlightenment. The context changes, but the essence and content remain.
№ 461198   Added Viker 13-01-2024 / 12:09
... why does everyone love Harry Potter so much? Believe it or not, the answer is that the transcendental meaning of this book, and especially its Christian content, resonates with the hearts and souls of readers.
№ 461033   Added Viker 12-01-2024 / 17:00
Her appeal probably stems from the cheerful quality of life she preaches, but her worldwide appeal is undeniable. American television programs and films account for almost three-quarters of the global market. American popular music is also ascendant, and American hobbies, eating habits, and even clothing are increasingly being imitated around the world. The language of the Internet is English, and the vast majority of global computer chatter is also from America and influences the content of global conversations. Finally, America has become a Mecca for those seeking a modern education; An estimated half a million foreign students flock to the United States, with many of the brightest never returning home. American university graduates can be found in almost every government on every continent.
№ 459627   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 13:00
- ABOUT! you did not understand? Zamoroshkin was surprised. - This is our famous mad printer. A very reliable device. It publishes two thousand laws a minute and at the same time never breaks down, because it does not go into the content of what it prints.
№ 453126   Added MegaMozg 28-04-2023 / 21:18
Traditional cultures have established mechanisms for creating a family. If a man imposed himself on a girl who is not nice to her, sought her out, or took her against her will for maintenance, then the relationship was not happy. Sometimes they didn't last long. She could live in his house, run the household, but do everything later
№ 452204   Added MegaMozg 29-03-2023 / 17:15
Traditional cultures have established mechanisms for creating a family. If a man imposed himself on a girl who is not nice to her, sought her out, or took her against her will for maintenance, then the relationship was not happy. Sometimes they didn't last long. She could live in his house, run the household, but do everything later
№ 452203   Added Viker 29-03-2023 / 17:15
The main content of the doctrine of Confucius comes down to the proclamation of the ideal of social harmony and the search for means to achieve this ideal, the standard of which the sage himself saw in the reign of the legendary sages of antiquity - the very ones who shone with virtues.
№ 451620   Added Viker 14-03-2023 / 09:28
In works of art, he valued content above all else. And the more it pierced, the better.
№ 451099   Added Viker 02-03-2023 / 12:02
On the same days when Biden was secretly going to be transported in a sealed wagon to Kyiv, the Congressional Budget Office came forward. And this is a desk, this is an agency within the legislative branch of government, which tries not to write “horror stories”! Two conclusions. One of them concerns the 23rd year, and the other - the 32nd. In the 23rd year, inflation will not decrease and will become constant for the United States for decades, and in the 32nd year, which means that at least all categories of citizens falling under the American social security will not receive at least ... their content. And moreover, it will decrease starting from the 23rd year. And this will affect all recipients of social benefits. Worse, the pure interest expense of maintaining the US debt in 1932 will exceed national defense spending. They will come out for a trillion dollars, despite the fact that the budget is 4.8 .... This is very important for us to understand too ... We need to understand, for everyone who still clings to this system - the United States Congressional Budget Office indicated that the service life dollar world system expires in the 32nd year. All! And it cannot be extended.
Release Date: 22.02.2023
№ 450740   Added Viker 02-03-2023 / 11:01
Meaning is the spiritual content of a fact.
Quote Explanation: From the lecture "Journey into Time"
№ 444545   Added MegaMozg 16-09-2022 / 23:15
The most delicious thing in a sandwich is not the bread, but the cucumber inside... The filling is tastier.
The most delicious thing in a sandwich is not the bread,...
№ 436730   Added MegaMozg 09-03-2022 / 17:27
Man is a content drowned in the void.
№ 434376   Added MegaMozg 24-01-2022 / 14:39
Then I realized that the main thing in literature. The main thing is that meaning and expression, content and form are not separated from each other.
№ 432687   Added MegaMozg 07-12-2021 / 12:18