Book: And then she was gone

You know, when you get to forty, suddenly cease to worry about those silly things that troubled you your whole life.
№ 355318   Added MegaMozg 05-01-2019 / 03:10
As happiness is generally associated with anything or anyone? Look, we're here generally for no apparent reason. You know about this? People are trying to drive it into his head that there is some secret purpose, some great purpose. That our life means something. And in fact, means nothing. We are just a bunch of freaks. That's all. A large pile of mediocre stupid freaks. We should not be happy. We must not be normal. We don't even have to be alive. No, unless you yourself want to live. We can do whatever we wish while not hurting anybody.
№ 336126   Added MegaMozg 01-08-2018 / 13:09