Book: Philosophy in the boudoir or the Immoral mentors. Page 3

Cease to believe that religion can benefit a person. As soon as they have good laws, we will be able to do away with religion.
№ 169349   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 13:44
Yes, citizens, religion is incompatible with freedom - so this is how you feel.
№ 169348   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 13:43
This little faith is so alien to the sublime ideas that no artist is unable to use her characters in erecting their monuments, even in Rome. Most of the decorations of the papal palaces are borrowed from paganism. So, as long as this world exists only paganism will inspire great people.
№ 169347   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 13:43
A careful study of religion will reveal to everyone that wickedness, which it filled, comes partially out of savagery and naivete of the Jews, and partly of the indifference and carelessness of the Gentiles. Instead of having to learn all the good that was in ancient times, Christians, apparently, have created their doctrine from a mixture of defects encountered everywhere.
№ 169346   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 13:43
All religions agree on the worship of the wisdom and power of God, but just as they begin to talk about his behavior, we are confronted only with imprudence, weakness and stupidity. They say that God created the world for himself, but still has not achieved the proper worship, God created us, we worshiped him and we mock him! What a loser this God!
№ 169345   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 13:43
Currently, atheism is the only doctrine of all thinking people.
№ 169344   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 13:43
It would be highly inconsistent to punish one who reviles or despises religion or cult, the supremacy of which can not be proven. To do so is to show partiality and, therefore, violate the equality, the basic law of the new polity.
№ 166095   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 11:13
There should not be laws that punish for crimes against the religion for an insult of fiction, nothing offends.
№ 166078   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 11:12
I strive to ensure that any faith has become the object of ridicule and bullying. In my opinion, the people gathered in any temple for prayers to the Eternal Being, should be regarded as a theatre of comedians. Any person, of course, free to fun of a game like actors.
№ 131841   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 10:08
You want the room had flies? So get out the sugar attracts them! You want to in France was not poor? Don't give alms, and most importantly - close your charity. And then the man born in poverty, deprived of the threat of livelihood, gather all your courage, all received from nature the ability to rise from the position in which they were born.
№ 43465   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 19:39
These untold hordes of people - like the extra parasitic branches, which, relying on the trunk, eventually exhausting the tree.
№ 43464   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 19:39