Book: Confession himself

Moving in my childhood, tin soldiers, reading with a sinking heart, books about the war, without standing in endless queues full (sometimes comical) violence films, bringing a toy gun into a friend from childhood, we are preparing to defend it with weapons in hand, prepared to sacrifice the most expensive in the name of this is very subjective, as it turns out then, good. Honest thoughts boys we did not hesitate to throw in dreams on the redoubts of the enemy more and more shelf abstract men. We do not notice when our games from the world of dreams pass into the real world. Our brain is ready to sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice... Yes, Yes, of course - "in the name of justice".
№ 46287   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 21:31
Seconds later, in the name of "universal goodness" come to pass "universal evil"...
Quote Explanation: We are talking about the necessity to kill in war.
№ 46284   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 21:31
An ancient country [Afghanistan], the story of how these mountains. And the people who love her as you love your. Not much has changed for her for thousands of years. But someone decided, and you were led to believe that this land, these people can be killed.
№ 46214   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 21:28
Yes, we were all students in this war-the game: and the one who motivated you, who motivated you, and who knows what drives all of us...
Quote Explanation: "The confession itself (the Evolution of a human soul in the Afghan war)" - the memoirs of Afghan war.
№ 46212   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 21:28