Author of quotes: Vladimir Pavlovich Paley

Surely our descendants will see in the events of 1917 only one depressing picture? One of only a handful of people, wresting each other right on riding on the engines, and while the country is starving. and the army is kissing the enemy. Do those who selflessly created the revolution, who consequently harbored in the soul of the blessed and lofty ideals, hoping for the opportunity to realize those ideals do these Russian people do not feel as terrible and horrible experience with the Russia crisis? Solubility escaped from the hands of the creators... All over Russia face the shame and curse. It's time to recover, if we don't want to give the world to spit us in the face.
Quote Explanation: from the diary (1917)
№ 272313   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 12:31