Author of quotes: _Toffu_Honey_

- I know the feeling when you're bored?
- Have you ever wondered, what is this feeling?
I was thinking, maybe, boredom occurs when we become aware that we lose irreplaceable moments of life, wasted and somewhere deep down there is a feeling of sadness, from the fact that we could enjoy these beautiful, burning for a moment moments of life, after all, younger than now, we won't be.
Boredom - sorrow for the fact that you are at this moment could walk with friends, enjoy the beautiful scenery, to do what you love and not waste time in the shuffle, but if you're bored, that means that at the moment you can't afford it and you have to deal with it.
And time irrevocably goes away, leaving regret and the emptiness of missed moments.
№ 297541   Added MegaMozg 14-08-2017 / 14:06