Author of quotes: Vlad III the Impaler

Fun Dracula feasting among the "troupe". A servant, bringing meals, frowns. To the question "why?" it turns out that he can't endure the stench. "Resolution" Dracula "to put it high so the stench before him did not get". And the poor guy writhing on the stake of unprecedented height.
Quote Explanation: The fact that Dracula preferred to feast on among the corpses, some historians believe fiction.
№ 90172   Added MegaMozg 05-01-2017 / 18:53
Noted for great piety, tirelessly to build the Church Dracula said, "My merit before God is exceptionally great - none of his predecessor is not sent to God so many saints and martyrs".
№ 90171   Added MegaMozg 05-01-2017 / 18:53
Dracula discovers that the country is too much poor. He calls the poverty-stricken brethren, feeds to the full and treats question: what if he could still do much good, not whether they want to get rid of earthly suffering? Of course, they want it, and Dracula goes to meet: doors and Windows are closed, and the house with its contents burned to the ground hristoradnov. While admiring himself Dracula notices that thinking to do a kindness, he made two: country get rid of the parasites, beggars - from pain and sorrows.
№ 90170   Added MegaMozg 05-01-2017 / 18:53
Foreign merchant who came to Wallachia, had been robbed. He filed a complaint Dracula. Until caught and impaled thief "justice" all clear, drop the merchant on the orders of Dracula wallet which has one coin more than it was. The merchant, discovering the excess, immediately inform Vlad. He laughs: "well Done, I would not say, would you sit on a coke next to a thief."
№ 90169   Added MegaMozg 05-01-2017 / 18:53