Author of quotes: Max Stirner. Page 8

Hence the fear to use as you like with your life, because it must serve only for a "true and correct" one.
If someone standing on a religious point of view, commits suicide, he comes shamelessly, forgetting about God; if it stands on the moral point of view, comes immoral neglect of duty.
№ 211712   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 13:44
What is the ideal, as I'm not that looking for, but which you can never achieve? Are you looking for yourself? Therefore, you still don't have; you are looking for, than you should be, but because you have not yet become yourself. You live in anguish, and Millennium already live there, you live in hope. But not in the way I live in pleasure! Whether it concerns only the so-called pious people? No, this applies to everyone who belongs to a dying era, even playboy. And after everyday was Sunday and after a hectic life - dreams of a better world, of universal human happiness, in short, of the ideal. But godly people oppose especially philosophers. But unless they thought of something different, as it's never about perfection, about the absolute I? Everywhere the longing, desire and hope, and only them. Call it, if you like, romanticism.
№ 211711   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 13:44
In the meantime, I think I just need to find my true self and that must come a time when I'm not living in ourselves, but Christ or some other spiritual, i.e. ghostly I, for example, the true man, the essence of man, etc., - until then I can't enjoy myself. Now the question is not how to achieve and conquer life, and how its counterbore how to enjoy it, or how to cultivate true self, and how to get rid of yourself.
№ 211710   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 13:44
Let us formulate the meaning of this law, and then get the following: everyone should have something that would stand above it. You have to upstage their "private interests", if required by the welfare of others, the good of the Motherland, the society, the total welfare, the good of humanity, good and the like! Fatherland, society, mankind, etc. should be over you, and your "private interests" should this neglect in front of them, because you don't have to be selfish. People living a religious life, when communicating with each other obey who is above all formal law; sinners often forget to follow it, but I never allow myself to deny its absolute value, the law is love. And even those who fight against its principle, and hate, it seemed that the that word, and those still loyal to him, because they still love; they love even deeper and more enlightened; they love "man and mankind".
№ 211709   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 13:44
And again, you have to have a single thought, not to utter a single phrase, not to commit any acts, justifiable only in you, instead of having to get approval from morality, reason or humanity.
№ 211708   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 13:44
In short, people continued to be in deep obedience and obsession, lived reflection and continued to possess the object for reflection, which is respected, and before which felt awe and fear. Things turned into ideas about things, thoughts and concepts, and thus dependence on them has become even more profound and indissoluble. So, for example, can easily get out of obedience to parents or stop listening to the exhortations of an uncle or aunt, of the request of a brother or sister, but rejected in principle, obedience continues to capture the conscience, and the less amenable to counsel individuals, recognizing their irrational, the stronger the hold on the principle of duty and respect for family and the more difficult it is to forgive herself for a sin against his idea of family love and respect.
№ 211707   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 13:44
Because you despise the egoist, he prefers the personal front spiritual and takes care of itself when you would like to act in the name of any ideas.
№ 211706   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 13:44
Mature man which distinguishes him from the young man accepts the world as it is, instead of everything in it to condemn and correct, try to alter it according to his own ideal. In Mature man strengthens the view that should be guided by their interests, not their ideals.
№ 211705   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 13:44
Thought that is simple, subject, consciousness, the consciousness which responds only to the subject or sensual, you know the immaterial and insensible. As well as straining his eyes to see the distant as exercising the hand to reach an easy and confident game, so tortured himself the different ways to develop the capacity to fully accommodate all extrasensory. But that was tortured, it was only the sensual man, the ordinary consciousness, the so-called final and substantive thinking.
№ 211704   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 13:44
I am the owner of its power and only then will I become as aware of yourself Only.
№ 90707   Added MegaMozg 05-01-2017 / 19:20
For Me there is nothing above Me.
№ 90705   Added MegaMozg 05-01-2017 / 19:20