Character: Meneldur

- Let the courage to leave us, said quietly Finrod. And our hope will be fulfilled.
And we will know forgiveness, - said Laurello.
And fate will turn in mercy added Mandil.
And we meet again with those who are waiting for us, - Calmacil sheltered lembas bread hand so carefully, like a piece of bread was a living thing.
- And faithful - lowered eyelashes Meneldur.
Even when... if all goes really bad, the voice Ionela slightly trembled, as it seemed Berino.
- We will remember our songs, ' whispered Wilwarin.
And our vows, - said sternly of Lossar.
To be solid on your way in the name of everything we hold dear, - he turned his head Allwin.
And save the heart of love in the firelight hair Aeglos glowed scarlet.
And grasp the most recent from the truth, - breathed in the dark Adrucil.
And it will make us free, ö Beren.
№ 378277   Added Viker 12-09-2019 / 08:35
- So you Meneldur, I believe that a man or an elf is able to fly like a bird? asked Beren.
- Oh, no. It would be impossible and just stupid. I think a man or elf should fly as a human or an elf.
- It's like? - twisted eyebrow Beren. - I, for example, once flew as a man. It was not long and in the end hurt, and if it was not a snowdrift at the bottom, I would do you are not told about it.
№ 378207   Added Viker 11-09-2019 / 08:19