Character: On behalf of Mayakovsky

Mayakovsky here...
Look brighter - faces -
not a beautiful poet enough.-
I'll shout from this page:
Don't flip through the pages!

Explanation of the quote:

I tried not to lie in any fact, nor in the fact of life, nor in the fact of creativity, but in the interpretation ... what's the interpretation? Philology is such a strange thing that any proposition expressed in it can be replaced by the opposite with the same measure of reliability and reliability. As for whom, and for me personally, it is convincing only to the extent that it is literature itself.
Of course, I will not seriously assert that "love" is the only true word that exhaustively describes my attitude to Mayakovsky. But if you list, as important as important, all the shades of the difficult feeling that the author feels for the hero, then this word will take its place and even, perhaps, not the last.
Quote Explanation: (author)
№ 423890   Added Viker 23-07-2021 / 16:08