Character: Tomb

I understand your suffering, but you have to realize that they can't go on forever. There is no shame in liberating your mind from memories about Vincent.
- How the hell can you understand me? It's impossible! You don't even have no soul, you miserable design! You don't know what it's like to be human!
I may have got rid of their fears and got smarter than they were before... But I don't feel less desolate!
And this is something you do not mouseboat, because you are a passionless bunch of rocks!
Even dispassionate a pile of stones knows the price otusenogto of your life on earth. I also know that it is impossible to live, revelling in pity for himself. You're better than this. You can do better. It's time to heal your soul, change and fearlessly look death in the face.
I'm made of stone Dean.
And what you're made of?
№ 76427   Added MegaMozg 04-01-2017 / 10:49