SelfPub: You give me, please, ...

You give me, please, a fairy tale:
mountains of snow and laughter on the sled.
Snow flakes and ice gloves,
droplets of melt water on the eyelashes.
Want to the seas? Two tickets to sea!
The sea froze? - You can not argue.
Time goes on. Useless conversations.
The sea for the summer! Went to the mountains!
You give me dawn of the firmaments
white snowflakes storm dances,
boots, a Cup of mulled wine and a straw hat...
You give yourself to me without reserve!
Whisper of the fireplace. Goes past...
Tales read to us OLE Lukoie...
And finally, vacation - like point -
you give me, please, daughter.
№ 139825   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 21:12