SelfPub: Desire

The dragon! Dragon! - shouted the peasants on the shore. - Where? Where's the dragon? - asked the head on a long neck, leaning out of the lake and looking at the bushes...
№ 288635   Added MegaMozg 02-06-2017 / 07:02
- So, describe your ideal. Loving, intelligent, kind, loyal, cute... Everything! I got it! You need a boor, selfish, bastard, and asshole all in one. Is that you?
№ 288634   Added MegaMozg 02-06-2017 / 07:01
The house is not only the ears and tail, coupled with a bad personality, but batted back, front and scratched the person's face. And she she can't cook.
№ 288633   Added MegaMozg 02-06-2017 / 07:01