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Yuri Tuboltsev. Don't be in a hurry to get ahead of yourself1
Yuri Tuboltsev. When the result...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. People used to talk...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Who is right will fix the matter1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Man is just...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Real writers live ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. A good man starts...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The soul also decays...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Man can't...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Bishops need to be equalized...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The world is a mirror, looking...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Not every mirror is ready...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Chicken is able to rise ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Wherever you are, you...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Once you become...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Do not make a template out of the era, ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Wherever a person goes...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Life is a dictatorship of patterns1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Not every moment...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. It is important to tune in...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. When the author writes a novel, ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The second candy is always extra1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Many people dream of having...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Temptation is a pit that...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Things don't always work out...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The higher you stand...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Thought is material and ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The need to grow up...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. I killed a man - a fiend...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Not a person has...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Straightness bends...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Not everything will be said...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The doll was born...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. No, friend, you have not ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Don't take a step towards the void1
Yuri Tuboltsev. If you love someone...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Tomorrow is so ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Circumstances cannot...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Dead ends are afraid of punchy people1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Fix tomorrow's mistakes...1