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Yuri Tuboltsev. What a creature to Darwin...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. People are dwarfs who don't understand...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Life is a game of abuse1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Everything is not simple, but not complicated.1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Everything can be rethought...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Nothing should be...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Distinguish the great from the exaggerated...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The cultural code has turned...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The best possible...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Most of the controversy...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Schizophrenic best clothes ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Do not sew wings for an elephant, ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Can't be insured...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. If the parrot listened to you, ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. I will blow off steam, - ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The one who is in a hurry - donkeys ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. There would be a thought, but a word ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The donkey will always find a strap...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Life is a pie, in ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. In Rus' you can find...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Don't compare round...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Black's impossible dream...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Don't confuse red with the highest ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. If the wife is a wolf, then ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. And the elephant can count...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Space is a mirror of a person1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Increasing the pros, table...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. And smelting iron...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Give the centipede two...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. It is not enough to have a key - you must ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The beauty of the globe ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. To reflect the inner...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The picture of the world is all of ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. If a person doesn't read...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Don't double check...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. No and cannot be...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Thinking is a struggle...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Never fake...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Eyes are open...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Consciousness is objective...1