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Yuri Tuboltsev. Time is running out even...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Cause of great goals...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Fall is inevitable if...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Not everything is rosy and under the rainbow1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Your soul is pure parchment...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Playing empty games...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The road to nowhere makes...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Man lives in a stencil...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The best opportunity is...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Put the book down and you'll be...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The problem is solved only ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. What is immoderate for a mouse, ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. For a real mystic...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The more you walk, the ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Don't think that yours is wrong...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Verbosity - a sign ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The earth stands on three...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Man is a hole...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Erected in vain ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. A vil nest - a svil cage1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Man is a repeater...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Yesterday's conclusions are not comparable...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The world is driven by patterns, ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The mind is a hindrance in everything...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The earth does not hang in space, ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Fortune is not a top, ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. And the bug can be wrong...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. In the bustle of stencils is born ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Do you want this or that...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Man is blessed...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Man is the pain of the world, ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. And in the blot you can find...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. What is dotolkovany, then stupidly1
Yuri Tuboltsev. In Rus', who lives without...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Don't expect extraordinary...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Black square - clue...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Man is a monkey...2
Yuri Tuboltsev. Both the puddle and the ocean are the results...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. It's better to think once...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Man is an unfinished...1