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Yuri Tuboltsev. Building reasoning, ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. If you never came...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. In the head of the poet of mathematics ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Do not follow the principle as ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Pills that take...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Don't play games, don't...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Man is narrowed by narrow ideas1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Problem solving creates...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Not the unwitting nightingale to sing ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. If you want to fly...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Don't pass yourself by1
Yuri Tuboltsev. To love people...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Flaws, shortcomings, shortcomings,...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. I killed a thing in myself...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Cockroaches in the head can...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Thought is all that...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Why did you cheat the tricked out?1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Whatever a fool does...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. It's better to marry once...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Our everything includes...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. You have to spend your whole life...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Whatever happens...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. And the rake on the way is...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Digging too deep ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Freedom is the mother of adventurism1
Yuri Tuboltsev. A lighthouse in a swamp won't help1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Man is not a monkey...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Lack of love leads...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Don't crow the crow1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Black Square - a masterpiece ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. An unsolvable problem can be...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Parroting is...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Deny the obvious in...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. The black square can...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Don't get inspired1
Yuri Tuboltsev. One smear and black ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Don't teach the eagle how to run faster1
Yuri Tuboltsev. For any worthy thought...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Everything, of course, infinity ...1
Yuri Tuboltsev. Love is a feeling...1