Song: And the roses withered

The whole day want to be there
All day under the gaze,
As under the summer stars,
I'm ready to eat, or sleep!
I'm ready, but so sad
Time became frozen,
To evening forgotten
What do you want again
To hug and kiss!
Maybe not too late?
It's not that serious?
№ 244759   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 18:55
And the roses have withered and fallen,
And anything to fix it failed.
Fell lonely among us
Unnecessary cold colors.
№ 244758   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 18:55
What do I do? I don't know.
Again rose buy
All problems forgotten,
And back to you in a hurry.
In this rush time jump,
I can't live otherwise
I'm in a hurry, but the heart is crying -
Forgotten friends, girlfriends,
What happened to me suddenly?
Maybe not too late?
It's not that serious?
№ 244757   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 18:55