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You need to work hard so that your children don’t look at the price of anything.
Quote Explanation: We need to make the children say that their idol is their FATHER
№ 465493   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 10:03
Depression is one of the worst enemies, but in a fight it often overcomes us.
№ 465390   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 04:54
Many people are stopped from killing only by the consequences.
№ 464858   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:54
This is the true strength of a great man.
№ 464834   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:50
Laughter is a mirror of truth, reflecting the hypocrisy and shortcomings of society.
№ 464827   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:49
Sometimes it’s better to remain silent so as not to ruin the lives of others, and sometimes to speak so as not to ruin your own life
№ 464713   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:31
if you truly loved the first one, then the second one would not have appeared!
№ 464622   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:17
You have so many envious people and ill-wishers. It is immediately obvious that you are strong in spirit and a good person.
№ 464019   Added Viker 15-03-2024 / 15:29
As the river of time flows, collect stones of wisdom, smooth them with the flow of experience, and build bridges to connect the shores of your journey.
№ 463980   Added Viker 15-03-2024 / 15:23
In the garden of friendship, let understanding be the soil, patience the water, and kindness the sunshine that produces flowers that stand the test of time.
№ 463910   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 16:00
In the garden of time, where moments bloom and memories take root, cultivate flowers of joy, cultivate seeds of kindness, and let the scent of gratitude float on the wind. As we tend the garden of the soul, we discover that even through the changing seasons, beauty remains.
№ 463824   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:47
In the realm of possibility, where the sky meets the landscape of dreams, may your aspirations become the stars that light up the night. Embrace the canvas of your existence, paint it with the colors of passion and watch as the masterpiece of your life, a testament to the artistry of your soul, unfolds.
№ 463823   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:47
In the quiet corners of the heart, where dreams dance like fireflies in the lunar garden of the imagination, lives a symphony of hope. Every note, a whispered promise, harmonizing with the melody of possibility, woven from a beauty that only the soul can truly hold.
№ 463822   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:47
In every difficult situation there is a way out, the secret is to find it.
№ 463778   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:40
The more I learn, the more I realize that I know nothing. The cores of knowledge reveal new questions, and the endless ocean of the unknown stretches before me.
№ 463776   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:40