Susan Collins. The hunger games (№ 106094)

Caesar asks peeta question whether he had a girlfriend.
Pete hesitates, then shakes her head unconvincingly.
- Can it be that this beautiful guy was not a sweetheart. Come on, tell me her name! - not far behind Caesar.
Pete sighs.
Well, actually, there is one girl... I love her since I can remember. Only... I'm sure, to Harvest, she didn't even know about my existence.
From the crowd can hear the cries of understanding and sympathy. Unrequited love - how touching!
- She has another guy? asks Caesar.
- I don't know, but a lot of guys in love with her.
- So, all you need is a win: win in Games and come home. Then she certainly won't turn you down - encouraged Caesar.
- Unfortunately, will not work. Victory... in my case not an option.
- Why not? - puzzled asked the presenter.
Pete blushes as cancer and stammered, says:
- Because... because... we came here together.
№ 106094   Added MegaMozg 06-01-2017 / 13:35

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