Erich Maria Remarque. Arch (№ 12415)

everything happening now is not new. All this has already happened many times. Lying, treachery, murder, massacre of St. Bartholomew, corruption, engendered by thirst for power, a never-ending war... the History of mankind was written in blood and tears, and among the thousands of the blood-soaked monuments of the mighty of this world only occasionally found one, Hosea silvery light. Demagogues, liars, fratricide and parricide, intoxicated with power, the selfish, the fanatics and the prophets with the sword and plant the love of neighbor; at all times the same, at all times patient Nations were set against one each other senseless did the killing... in the name of the Emperor, in the name of faith, in the name of the crowned madmen...
This was not the end.
№ 12415   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 12:20

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