Anna Borisova. Creatives (№ 136797)

Every monarch, as he had not called - let predsovnarkoma, no matter - pretty soon it turns out surrounded by people with the bad grade. Dictators can't stand stubborn people, debaters, people with a sense of self-worth. These associates are helpful and even indispensable in the way of seizure of power, however, when the government is already captured, it is much more convenient to have in the direct environment of people flexible. They instantly swarmed the throne of the winner. They are agile, flexible, never offensive, helpful. After a while, they displace former comrades. Or those be the same to avoid losing his position. Anyway, soon the ruler is surrounded on all sides by people low. For him and he judges mankind as a whole, and other people he never meets. After all, who is endowed with self-respect, will not push in front.
№ 136797   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 16:59

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