Sergei Lukyanenko. Clean copy (№ 14075)

Whether we like it or not, and coercion and threats are part of everyday human life. And it's not about any severe ultimatums of one country by another, is not about waving a knife bandit or simply a policeman. Talk about the most simple and everyday situations.
"Don't eat porridge - not going to watch cartoons!"
"Get three in a quarter - don't buy the commercials!"
"Flood session - depart from the Institute in the army!"
"If I see you again with Masha - it's over between us!"
"Coming from a meeting drunk - you sleep on the couch!"
"Who would not remain at overtime - can write a statement of their own!"
"Will bring help - a pension do not overcharge!""
I am afraid that after the end we will hear:
"Without a harp and a halo in heaven do not allow!"
№ 14075   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 14:11

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