Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) (№ 142214)

- What does the candle?
- Whose life?
For my entire life. We are all born molecules in the hearts of billions of stars. Molecules that do not understand the policies, beliefs, diversity. More than a billion years, we foolish molecules don't think who we are and where we came from. Selfishly tell ourselves names, fight over the border on maps and pretend our light is better than the other. The flame reminds us of the fragments of the stars inside us, the spark that tells us to think well. The flame reminds us about the value of life. Each flame is unique and if it goes out, it will disappear forever and will never be another the same. So many candles will go out today. I'm afraid that one day there will be no...
Quote Explanation: About the beginning of the war with the Centauri
5 Season 16 Series
№ 142214   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 10:49

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