John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. The Lord Of The Rings (№ 144922)

Sitting in front of kamelek
And think about how
In the summer as the wings of a butterfly
Played on a flower.
As the autumn leaves swept
Pesky sometimes
Like cobwebs on the temples
Considered my age.
I'm on fire look. With the heat
Wake up world of Wonderland.
And after winter spring will come,
But I won't here.
I don't see beauty,
Every year new.
Because every year the grass grows,
But different grass!
Draws the flame kamelka
Heroes from the past,
And those who the world will see our
Coming behind us, following.
About the time that was "before"
I think grieving.
Forever Smolka steps
Behind the door I hear.
I call the past back.
And in my memory
Sound like before voice
Returned friends.
№ 144922   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 17:17

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