Lena Pitelino. Why not call ... (№ 186714)

Why not call a spade a spade?
We often substitute friends enemies, and enemies friends,
That the person we say is not what we at the tables
And what if we don't need, what we quickly forgot.
That when meeting on the street someone once native,
We would be happy to say Hello first, but we are waiting for the other,
Sometimes a long way bear the disappointment with the result
We are often silent, cursing selective Mat.
We don't always love to read the old, sentimental correspondence,
And that sometimes is not easy to return even the most loved ones.
What tastes change, and some old song invariably touches a nerve,
It is easier to find new than to repair. Fix - it long.
That the native is deprived of ourselves,
That going outside, we stay locked up, with locks.
We're just people, not in some way good or bad.
Playing names. Doomed mortals. Doomed live.
№ 186714   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 12:02

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