Fyodor Dostoevsky. Idiot (№ 204895)

When I at eight o'clock in the morning jumped up like a madman, and had his forehead with hand, then immediately Wake up the General, who was sleeping the sleep of innocence. Taking into consideration the strange disappearance Ferdishenko that alone aroused in us the suspicion, we both immediately decided to search Keller, who was lying like a... like a... almost like a nail-S. Searched completely: in my pockets not one penny and not even a pocket full of holes was not found. Handkerchief blue plaid, paper, in a state of indecent-p Next one love note, from a maid, demanding money and threats, and scraps of known skit-S. the General has decided that innocent. For complete information, we him woke, hardly potolkalis; barely realized it; opened his mouth, kind of drunk, facial expression, absurd and innocent, even silly, not him!
№ 204895   Added MegaMozg 14-01-2017 / 19:24

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