George Orwell. To breathe (№ 248793)

Ugly-looking lecturer speaker was somewhere though. <...> Rained phrase trashing Hitler and the Nazis. <...> "Brutal crime... a Terrible flash of sadism... truncheons... Concentration camps... Arbitrary... Lawlessness... the persecution of the Jews... Back in the dark Ages... European civilization... to act Decisively before it's too late... the Wrath of all decent people... the Alliance of democratic Nations... a Strong barrier... Protect democracy... Democracy... Fascism... Democracy... Fascism... Democracy..." <...> Just exactly gramophone spin the handle, move the lever, go: democracy - fascism - democracy. <...> What actually does it do? Quite deliberately and openly incite hatred in you. Vengeance is trying to let you wildly hate some foreigners called "fascists". <...> The voice roared and rumbled, as if he was ready to tirelessly poured out another two weeks. The terrible thing is these living organ, bravada you propaganda. Scrolls one and the same: hate, hate, hate! Rally, friends, and all the forces hate! Again and again, again and again. Well, right after you hammer on the brain.
№ 248793   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 21:46

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