Lina Vasylivna Kostenko. (№ 253783)

Won the team sky rd at Marila!
Won Bula Taka shte young!
The yakos so it is not snylosja painter.
All yakos so mountain, Bida.
I victo Pisan tarel,
I Placa dad, I plipli rocky, -
if above it not Bulo vzhe steel,
and only the sky I zirki...
Oh, mom dreamed of the sky!
She was beautiful, young!
An artist came weak, inept,
Everything is so sorrow, trouble.
Ornaments faded on the dish,
The father became despondent, in love, -
And there is over her now, no ceiling, no weekdays,
But only the sky, stars, clouds...
№ 253783   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 12:37

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