Ogden Nash. (№ 263790)

Long known to every schoolboy and even every academic woman if she
science is not deaf, -
What in the world there are two kinds of sin.
The first type is called a Sin of Commission, and as easy to guess,
He is committing what to do not necessary;
And the second type is the opposite of the first, and it's called the Sin of Omission and
is considered no less serious...
Compared to the first the second kind of sin - the Sin of Omission - dim and pale,
But he is the most malicious.
What causes true suffering?
The unpaid contributions outstanding invoices, unexecuted insurance, unwritten
letters, wasted chances and missed dates.
Quote Explanation: Translated by Irina Komarova.
№ 263790   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 09:43

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