Miss Pettigrew (Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day) (№ 293679)

- Guinevere, I'm scared.
- It's just a drill, I'm sure it's teachings.
- This will be the exercises not every time, right? We're going to go to war?
Yeah, I'm and this is another reason not to waste another second of your precious life. Listen to me once and I had the ambition, not the same as yours, much easier: marriage, children, your own house. He died in France, in the trenches. Good, steadfast man, you would probably call it boring, but every time he saw me, he smiled and with this we could build a whole life. Your heart knows the truth, delysia. Trust him, because life is so short.
№ 293679   Added MegaMozg 11-07-2017 / 16:09

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