Sergey A. Karaganov. (№ 320776)

There are two major objective circumstances: the first is that the Western elite has lost control over its own people. They need an enemy in order for this control to return, primarily through suppression and supply control of social media. <...> using external threats to try to wring excessive democracy at home, democracy, which is out of control. And secondly, the West has entered into the endgame at the end of its world domination, which lasted five hundred years. Well this is sad! People are protected. They - tears of rage. We should understand that. Well and even, perhaps, partly to sympathize with. We, too, are the occasions in life was difficult. <...> They are trying to consolidate on anti-Russian basis... <...> in order to regain control over their own political process.
№ 320776   Added MegaMozg 28-03-2018 / 00:27

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